For Your Financial Health
MIND ...
Its presence is felt only through thoughts.
If you want to master your mind,
reach down to the root of all thoughts
and in the process you will reach
the no-mind state.
... ...
Fastest Growing Health Industy & Career Opportunities for Medical Assistants
Healthcare industry is one of the fastest growing industries today, which gives promising, lucrative career opportunities for Medical Assistants. The Fastest growing industry will need a high proportion of support personnel, particularly medical assistants who can handle both administrative and clinical duties. One can easily grab this fastest growing career opportunity by getting formal training at Medical Assistant Schools.
Employment Opportunities:
Sources from Department of Labor, project excellent job prospects for Medical Assistants. It is projected to grow much faster than average, ranking medical assistants among the fastest growing opportunity over the coming 2009-20 decade. Job opportunities should be excellent, particularly for those with formal training. Most Medical Assistants work in doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics or other health care units. A Medical Assistant assists with administrative tasks and minor procedures to keep the doctor's offices and health care facilities running smoothly.
In addition, medical assistants work primarily in outpatient settings, a rapidly growing sector of the health care industry. Job seekers who want to work as a medical assistant should find excellent job prospects. Medical assistants are projected to account for a very large number of new jobs, and many other opportunities will come from the need to replace workers leaving due to retirement. Those with formal training or experience should have the best job opportunities."
Medical Assistant Training Online: St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants now provides a convenient and affordable online medical assistant program designed to train Medical Assistants to function effectively as an integral member of today’s fastest growing health care industry!
St. Augustine School of Medical Assistants offers flexible online medical assistant education and training certificate programs for all, Working Adults or aspiring professionals.
You can now become a Medical Assistant in just 6-8 weeks.
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For more information & details on Medical Assistant Schools & Programs.
Are We Eating Healthy Foods ?
Most of times we forget about the nutritional values of foods when planning our meals. After all, it's so much easier to just stop at our favorite fast food restaurant on our way home from work.
We know we should be eating more healthy foods, but most of us aren't quite sure where to start. Here are some things to look for when trying to plan healthier meals.
Are we eating lots of fruits and vegetables? The majority of us do not eat adequate amounts to keep us healthy. Experts recommend that we eat between 5 to 9 servings every day. That adds up to about 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables. Choose a variety of vegetables and fruits in different colors. Dark green vegetables like spinach, for instance, contain more nutritients than lighter colored vegetables.
Are we eating grains and cereals? Besides the well-known benefits of dietary fiber, grains and cereals provide many important nutrients for our health. Whole grain breads and cereals are much preferred over refined white breads or rice.
Are we eating a wide variety of foods? They say that variety is the spice of life. In reality, it's the basis of a healthy diet. Our bodies need food from all of the food groups to function at peak performance. These food groups consist of grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats, beans and nuts. Sorry...candy is not a food group.
Do we have breakfast every day? Yes, it's true: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast will give us the energy we need to make it through the morning and help eliminate those high-fat splurges.
Do we drink plenty of water? Soda and coffee may be liquid but they do not replace the water that our body needs. We need at least 16 ounces of water each day to keep ourselves hydrated and flush out the impurities that we may have accumulated in our digestive systems.
How much fat do we eat? Dietary fat is our enemy. Even though our bodies need a certain amount of fat, most of us consume 200 to 300 percent more than we need. That's a scary thought! So, when we are making our food choices, look at the labels to see how much fat is contained in the food item. Vegetables and fruits are naturally lower in fat than meats.
How much salt, sugar and alcohol are we eating? Here again, moderation is the key. Serious problems can occur when we overdo. Salt can lead to water retention, weight gain and heart problems. Sugar, when eaten in large quantities over a long period of time can contribute to diabetes. And, excessive alcohol consumption is bad for the kidneys.
Our body will tell us when we are not getting (or when we are getting too much) of a certain kind of food. If we are gaining weight, we know we are either eating portions that are too large or we are eating foods that are high in fat. Feeling tired can mean that we're not getting the nutrients from the foods required by our body to function.
Eating healthy foods is not as difficult as it sounds. In a nutshell: drink more water, eat less fats and sugars, and eat more fruits, vegetables and grains.
Help alleviate tension headaches, neck muscle and joint sprains and strains, ligament sprains and arthritis discomforts.
Core Memory Foam Cervical Orthopedic Pillow : Premium 100% viscoelastic memory foam is a mark of high quality seen in only the best memory foam pillows. It responds better to body heat, to conform to the unique shape of your head and neck for soft comfort and stabilize existing neck conditions. Its gentle support makes it ideal for use during the first stage of care in our TriCare Circle of Health, the Accommodate stage. It is also an excellent choice to help alleviate tension headaches, neck muscle and joint sprains and strains, ligament sprains and arthritis discomforts. The Mid-Size Core Memory Pillow's 19" x 12" (48 cm x 30 cm) surface, proportioned for adults and teens, lends added comfort, while two neck lobes - 3" and 4" high - allow you to further customize the level of support. The removable soft, plush pillowcase, promotes soothing rest. Discuss with your physician and decide which one is right for you. And begin enjoying the comfort you crave.
Shirshasana - Yogasana
As pointed out earlier this is actually a variety of Viparitakarani mudra. It is popularly called the head stand as in it one stands on the head, which is called 'shirsha' in Sanskrit. Sitting on the seat with the feet behind and knees in front, the head is lowered down. The fingers of both the hands are interlocked into each other, and keeping the elbows on the seat a comfortable distance apart, the head is placed on the seat supported from behind with the hands. Care should be taken to see that the top of the head and not the forehead touches the ground. This is essential because otherwise the neck would bend when the body is held inverted, which may cause undue pressures on the cervical vertebrae. After setting the head, hands and the elbows on the seat, the knees are brought as near the head as possible, making the back erect in an inverted position. The hips should be raised slowly. Now the knees are raised from the seat without any jerk, keeping the legs folded. This is. most important stage which must be mastered completely before proceeding further. Balancing the weight of the body on the triangular base with the head at the apex, and keeping the legs still folded at the knees, the thighs are now raised slowly until they become perpendicular to the ground. When steadiness of balance is achieved at this stage, the legs may be stretched ultimately, so that 'the body stands erect on the head. Some persons try to learn the procedure with the help of a wall. But that is not necessary at all. If one proceeds stage by stage, not hurrying up impatiently to throw the legs up at once, the posture can be learned and kept steady in a short time. While coming to the starting position the legs should be folded first, then the thighs should be lowered, and ultimately the knees may be kept on the seat. It is not necessary to stand up and remain standing for some time after completing the posture as is advised by some yoga teachers. Holding the body upside down helps the veins to carry blood to the heart by the force of gravity, and also helps to remove congestion from the limbs and abdomen. Circulation of blood in the head is promoted. Ordinarily a time of two minutes may be ideal for this pose. One should begin with ten to fifteen seconds and increase the time gradually.
Surfing and Yoga- Good Reasons Why This Combination Works
You might think that surfing and yoga are far out from each other but you are wrong. Both have similar concepts that really blend well to give you a better life. Here are five reasons why surfing and yoga is a great combination.
1. Yoga and surfing have a common denominator. They are ways of life.
Yoga is more than an exercise as surfing is more than a sport. Both are ways of living that help make people attain a fuller and more complete life. They also help you know more not only about yourself but also about your surroundings: yoga seeks enlightenment of your spirituality while surfing makes you one with nature. The yoga world is also similar with a surfing moment; a place of freedom, a place of peace, a place without time... Either way, you become your better person as you completely immerse yourself in the activity and in the process, rest your mind and spirit to release your fullest.
2. Surfing without exercise such as yoga can have health repercussions.
Although surfing is a good exercise, it is not perfect because it is not completely symmetrical. Surfing does not work all body parts as it concentrates only on some especially the shoulders and arms. In the process, the rest of the body does not get its proper exercise. That is why it is always recommended that surfing be paired with a form of exercise that gives emphasis on stretching such as yoga. Yoga can work the body parts that are not frequently worked out in surfing. With that, you are ensured that you have a complete activity for your entire body.
3. Yoga will teach you patience in surfing.
Starting to surf may be difficult to some people who do not have the skill of balance pros have. However, with a little more practice, you can gain more knowledge about reaching your body's equilibrium but this may take time. Some may learn to surf in only a few days but some may take several weeks or months with a very long learning curve. With the help of yoga, meditation and breathing can make you become a more patient student surfer. The extended patience that you gain from practicing yoga can also be helpful while waiting for those surf quality waves to practice on.
4. Yoga will increase your strength and flexibility on the board.
Yoga can enhance your self-awareness and make your body and mind exist in perfect harmony. Yoga will sharpen your concentration, enabling you to attain perfect equilibrium. Because yoga includes stretching and different forms to be followed, it will improve the flexibility of every part of your body. Flexibility is the key to constancy on top of the board while surfing a wave. Flexibility gained by practicing yoga also helps you move with more freedom, balance and comfort. And in this area, it is obvious how yoga can really be helpful.
5. Yoga will help you improve posture and breathing.
Just like in yoga, proper posture and breathing is also important in surfing. You reach maximum performance when your body has proper amounts of oxygen taken in and is in the proper position. With yoga, you will learn to breathe and pose better. Yoga benefits such as minimized tension on the body especially on the back and the shoulders can maximize surfing performance. Proper breathing and posture will give you strength and balance that can increase stability while you glide on the waves.
Surfing and yoga is a perfect complement that assists in excelling each other to higher levels and that is why most surf schools have yoga activities as well. The pair not only enhances your spirituality and physicality but also harmonizes your mind and body in perfect balance. So the next time, before you surf, practice a few minutes of yoga and breathing. Then you'll realize that surfing is not only a purely physical activity but can have spiritual liberation effects as well.
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